April 20, 2011

Dear Friend of the Family - Boba

Who would you have as a companion? I would certainly choose my pet dog of 14 years - Boba.

And once some one challenged me about not loving Boba because of his origins - he was a stray puppy born at the door steps of a friend. He might have been born in lowly strata but he is no doubt the best amongst any pedigree in Miri.

My family and I cannot sing enough praises of him ...and each day the list grows longer. I suppose you cannot say that of many humans you know.

How loveable is Boba?

As I look into Boba's eyes I know he will protect my children and I.

Boba is a "clean dog" because he does not get dirty and come home with dirty paws (as you know from many movies).. So we have been saved a lot of house cleaning because when he enters the house he is always clean. no paw marks. thanks. Only a few hairs here and there but not much.

Bobba is a silent listener. He sits and watches TV with us and sometimes we talk to him like an adult. There is no doggy language between him and us. He will always cock his ear and listen to us in that very humble way. And of course he will never "but" us which is a real comfort in these days.
boba does not stray...and is home almost 24 hours a day. He is the most faithful of all the dogs and people I know. We know for a fact too he does not hang out with any Tom Dick or Harry. He is a real home body. Well he has the usual battle wounds and fights when the female dogs in the neighbourhood are on heat...some times he comes home all bloody but his wounds heal well and fast. So no trouble there. Some Dettol does wonders for him. He has some great battle scars to show off. But he is a good and handsome soldier!! We are proud of him. Even grandpa thinks so.

He is born to be a great hunting dog.....and has terrorised the neighbourhood furry and feathered beings to our surprise and fun. He often catches rats which dare to cross his path in our vicinity which is made up of a  little cluster of four houses. Here he is chasing a porcupine which losts its way in Kampong Lusut during one of our evening walks. He has won many battles against cobras and pythons and even a few porcupines. He only could not bring home the anteaters.

When the house is so quiet most of the days you feel that his presence is all you need to provide you with a great sense of security. Here in the photo Boba in his usual place in the sunny verandah -

We love him for he has a great sense of humour which is special to a dog. I think he can understnad Animal Planet (Planiet Jelu) very well. I can't remember whether he watched Beethoven in full. His best was always when he barked at his own mirror image a few times when we had a rather long standing mirror.

Personally  I  wish I were a dog whisperer!  Then I would understand  him perfectly. He is more gentlemanly than most people I know. He allows Meero (his female companion) to eat before he eats even though he has his own bowl. He loves the left overs of our Crispy Pata from Lutong Cafe. It is always a joy to give him the big bone. But he cares and he shares. One Christmas he sat at the table and ate a whole cake by himself (and from a plate).

Boba is such a dear.

 We used to say that he is a good staff member with a long list of job description but a dog as a pet is actually a family member...not a staff ...)

Love you!


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

We used to call our dogs, bobby a lot. ( our dogs had very short life) San Ba dogs.

Once I think my brother Joseph called our dog Robin, I think Mee Gee's uncle was also Robin. My Dad tried to veto him, but Jo wouldn't budge. I was alread not in Sarawak then.

sintaicharles said...

Bobba is so blessed.

Anonymous said...

Bobby or rather lobby is the name of a cruel Japanese officer in Sibu once upon a time. People named their dogs lobby to remind them of such cruel person!!

Ah Ngao said...

i don't have any best friend/friends in this world - just the dogs in the yard

Ensurai said...

Hi Ann
San ba dogs are hardier...I can understand how your father must have felt if he started yelling at Robin! Robin!!...Robin is in New Zealand now.Seven daughters...all very well qualified..Have you met his wife Lucy?

Ensurai said...

Charles...we love him ...true and true....

Ensurai said...

Anonymous...thanks for the info...What is the full name of the Jap soldier I wonder...I did try to find some info on this sometime ago...Lubi I think

Ensurai said...

Ah Ngao...no human friend...at least we have dog friends...a dog is a man's best friend so they say. God bless.

Lee said...

Hi Sarawakania, beautiful dog. I think he has Thai genes.
As Thailand has its own dog, looks like Boba, similar colours.
There's a saying, 'if you want a friend, get a dog'.

Bengbeng said...

Bobba has a beautiful coat of fur n from what u wrote, outstanding discipline

Ensurai said...

Hi Uncle Lee
Yes I have always thought that Boba is rather special..we are glad we got him for so long. Cars here are terrible. They love to "hit" dogs...and most of my dogs were killed by dangerous drivers...
I agree with you....

and I can even say I love dogs more than men!! How about that.

Ensurai said...

Yes...Boba..is outstanding in discipline. The other day I caught him sitting under a coconut tree next to the back gate. He covers the grounds well....like a security guard with proprely time plan...and schedules. I would always feel it when he is MIA....hahahahah

His colour is memorable and unique.

The Observer said...

I heard that this one dog has a character that no other dog has. He can do a fantastic wrestling move on other dogs (the suplex).

He's very good eye contact and when you talk about him he'll look at you from the corner of his eyes. He loves apples and will just take one from the fruit basket without anyone's permission.

This guy likes goes to the neighbour's place to shit and after that he will chase the neighbour's chickens for fun and roll around under the chicken coop and come home smelling like chicken shit. I remember my father saying something like this "must be just like the owner when he saw a dog walk out of the gate and goes to pee at a neighbour's car tyre. This dog and his masters (male and female owner)? well this boba is the craziest and the best dog around I believe.... love this story on boba!

Ensurai said...

Thanks Observer....Dogs are always nice to have around....I don't like dogs who pee on tyres...they must be toilet trained....

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...


connect me to anonymous.

100 thank you. he is right, it was lobby we called our dog. My tow brothers would be pleased. No wonder my parents did not veto us when we called the dogs lobby. It was always lobby, no matter how many dogs they were.

I want to call Lobby lobby lobby.

May be he was the soldier that almost punished my dad,

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Is Robin in Ak? I don't really know him, but my bro Jo would know.

Ensurai said...

Hi..I hope this Anonymous will connect with you. He is really anonymous...Sometimes I call any dog lobby...and talk to them...lu lu lu...come here...I wonder if some dogs only understand Foochow. Mine are all English speaking...

Ensurai said...

Hi I am not sure but I think he is either in Melbourne or in Ak. Haven't heard from him....he is a nice guy like my uncle Hii. Cheers.

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