The President of the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference Rev. Dr. Su Chii Ann came all the way from Sibu to be the main speaker during the Church camp which is an annual affair. The theme related to connectivity became more relevant with this meaningful celebration of Mother's Day.
How do we express how much we owe our mother?
Her sweat and her tears
Her backaches and her sighs
Her thoughts and her cares
are more than sums of her great love
For us her children.
How do we compare her to gold? To diamonds?
A mother is a woman
Who has contributed more than her weight in gold
to the society she lives in.
Quiet and low profiled
She does her work
and carries out her responsibility
Without calculating the cost
of hours spent on her beloved children.
She is more than a diamond in our hearts.
Do we compare her to the sun and the moon?
She lays down her life
She gives up her food
She spends sleepless nights
Watching a feverish child writhing in bed
And is up carrying the pails of water
to do her cooking in a run down old stove.
Smoke engulfs her as she wipes away tears
Of frustration
And physical tiredness.
And without a word
She carries on.
She carries her burden as a mother.
By day she is the sun.
By night she is the moon.
We remember all.
And love her in return.
She is our universe:
our eternal mother -
Giver of life.
Mother - the sweetest word.
Nice poem. It is what I will say about my mother.
Belated Happy Mother's Day.
Thanks Justin. Happy Mother's day to your mother too.
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