December 14, 2009

Christmas Parade in Miri (Part 2)

My friends had expressed apprehension and were very aware that the monsoon has not ceased so rain could come any time as we went to the City Fan.

Several minutes into our squashing around I decided that I had never seen such an evening of warm clear lights. The brightness was similar to a beach mid afternoon lights. The lights  were extremely bright  and truly held out for my point and shoot camera. I did not have to pray hard for God was indeed with the congregation of believers and looking down from Heaven.

Here are some of the Nikon Coolpix shots for you.

                            He must be Gabriel the Archangel (St.Joseph Church) He has the best wings made from feathers I have ever seen. And of course - a great Colgate smile.

             A Little Melanau Christian girl (above)             This must be the smallest and cutest Santarina .

Ladies sitting in a row looking pretty... Baptist Church ladies with hearts of gold. Hii Bai Yen of Curtin University.

Laughter shared and helping hands extended...all for the Glory of God.

A brilliant lantern made from leaves......

Father Christmas? Behind the mask is only a teenager....

A glimpse of Iban Culture - The back is as nice as the front!Believe me.(This reminds me we must always keep our backyards looking good.....we need to go to the backwaters where the harvest is waiting....)

God created these beautiful demure Iban maidens! (They have to walk more than 3 km in these heavy and rather burdensome costumes..some of the silver is real too...Hope their shoes are meant for walking.)

St. Joseph's Cathedral team of Mary and Joseph and the cute little shepherds.

Kenyah chiefs coming to celebrate the Birth of Christ.

A young Catholic Kenyah sporting a traditional hairstyle.Hope to see him grow in stature and wisdom.

This is how to have the  hair cut and styled.

this is the Melanau Catholic Prayer Group Ladies in their lovely traditional costumes. These sarongs are handmade in Mukah.

A  very cheerful Roman Centurion flanked by Mary and Joseph and two Wise Men

Is this the missing Wise Man? None other than Larry Edwin (Curtin University)

A closeup of a Kenyah Headgear...note the intricate designs.

Happiness is bringing you the great news of peace and everlasting life.(Pei Hung from Life Methodist Church)

It was a cold starry night when a child was born in a manger in Bethlehem.....

Youths proclaiming their faith!

Come and join us! Eternal life is yours! There is a free seat in Heaven for you.

I say Amen to that!

And Angels will proclaim His Coming!A multitude of angels sang..."Glory to the new born king...."


Borneo Falcon said...

Sibu X'mas Parade is this Saturday. Hopefully the weather will be nice. It rained half way into the parade

Ensurai said...

Hi nice to hear from you!!

Wishing you days of good weather for photography.

And May God Bless you and your Good Work too...

God Bless Sarawak! And Malaysia of course...

Jay said...

What a wonderful multicultural Sarawak version of celebrating Christmas. Enjoy your photo. I stll have few photos which i took during my leave. Hope to post it soon for sharing.

Ensurai said...

Dear Jay

Thank you for liking the photos.

Miri is very Multiracial!! Very colourful.

Looking forward to seeing your photos...Cheers.

wenn said...

wow..interesting parade..

Ensurai said...

Miri has a rich heritage. The various races live in harmony and I find that there is unity in their diversity.

In many ways the Mirians have a unique way of life to share with the rest of Malaysia. This is what they have to offer.

From the Baram and from the coasts and from faraway lands these people can share their lives together in Miri to make it a thriving city. This is really remarkable. And the leaders should appreciate this.

all3 said...

I'm missing Christmas in Miri again...most probably every year...looks very interesting...thanks for sharing...

Ensurai said...

Hi All3

How are you and your mum?

Hope Terrengganu is drier this year....The Parade was smashing!!

God bless.

Ensurai said...

What's your email when you are home?
Want to ask you something.

Anonymous said...

yeppi...its surprise me when i saw my face in ur blog post. haha.. Myself and my cousins wearing iban costume during Christmas parade last year. good job sarawakiana..thanks for promoting our culture through ur blog. Keep it up :)

Unknown said...

Sexy Christmas Costumes Online

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