It was heart warming to see three generations worshipping together in church. And it was really good to bid a hearty "So nice to see you again after so many years!!"
And for me it was "coming home" because I could see my cousins and uncles and aunts...grand uncles and grand aunties all in the same hall. But more importantly it was good to see a cousin preaching from the pulpit and other cousins serving as ushers and choir members. More than 40 years of life flashed before me eyes.......
My former students have become parents and my own teachers are very senior members of the church. Some have passed on....and new and younger ones (fifth and sixth generations of the pioneering families )are coming forward to serve the church and Sibu in general in various capacities.
Like the early years Easter in Sibu in 1900's eggs were given out..
New generations enjoying eggs for Easter Breakfast at the Civic Centre
Giving an egg to a young child - the future of Sibu. Like in the past mothers continue to play an important role. Mrs. Mary Hoover started Yuk Ing Girls' School in Sibu with the principle " Christianised and educated girls are the foundation of a Christian society. Good Christian wives form the basis of a good family." Many Methodist missionaries like the Hoovers in the past started schools for girls in Malaysia e.g. Methodist Girls' School in KL which undeniably provided the foundation for so many great families in Malaysia and in fact the world.
By chance while waiting for my sister I met up with my younger brothers' classmates(Desmond Cheng and Jason Tai) and spouses after a period of more than 30 years!! I was in Upper Sixth in Methodist School when Desmond was in Form Three and I was already a teacher serving in the school when Jason entered the school . Thus I remember them as little junior secondary school boys and now they are community leaders and leading members of the church! We were all laughing...saying that God has really blessed them bountifully. They are not only looking like Towkays but they are big Towkays.
Good humble brother Charles Tiong (my clansman)- a very senior Government Officer- giving out eggs.....Eggs are symboloic - the beginning of life - the beginning of hope.
This is such a good Easter Morning..It is always good to welcome worshippers warmly to the church and it is equally important to see them off.....Andrew Kiu in the photo....saying...hello...Be Connected!
In fact a long time friend commented only very recently that she has only seen many true and strong friendships and lasting fellowship in Sibu as a whole and in Wesley Church in particular. That is why she would always remember her stay in Sibu but because of her own career she has to be in another part of the world.
Charles Tiong,
He was my form mate. Do you have this custom of bring a basket of eggs to church?
CY, Why do you have a band saying Up grade to Pro today on your site? It is sort of smack in the middle, and makes it hard to read.
Hi Ann
Small world! I didn't know that Charles taught you!
Eggs are donated by well wishers...and they also bring the eggs to the hospital as an Easter Project of love and hope. It is the Methodist Tradition in Sibu.
In Miri I gave one bag of rice to the poor. And others provided eggs for the Sunday School students.
This giving me trouble and I have asked friends to fix it...I am wondering if it is a prank....can you help too?
Hi Ann
Got the band taken away via this change of template...sorry saw the mistake I made...So Charles was your Form Mate!! What year was that?
Hope the band stays away...
i think if we're going to do a "banci" on genuine towkays in Sarawak,Foochows probably top the list.what's your opinion Sarawakiana?
Ah Ngao
This will definitely take serious effort...But roughly can say they are very rich indeed...
But they also have poor ones like me...hahahahahah
ah Ngao...somehow your comment fufu's too...
Wonder why...
Charles and I were in form 1 to upper 6 at the same time. We were never classmates, he was from the Chinese stream, and then in Science. I was in the Arts.
My class of form 5 still keep in touch. I wrote a bit on the class reunion on my Country Road post.
Dear Ann
I will let Charles know...he is a very senior officer now but he remains very humble. Remember Divisional Education Officers a long time ago were greatly feared!!!
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