Just in case in later life one is suffering from high blood pressure and high sugar count in the blood this is the kampong cure !
letup letup or cape gooseberry according to many of our elders is a good home remedy. The whole plant can be used.
The very ripe and reddish fruits are often eaten by children and adults alike whenever we see them in the fringes of the jungle or kampong.
Indeed today many wet markets in Singapore even sell them in punnets or little baskets!! So I hope Sibu still has some of these growing wild. If not one can always come to Miri get some seeds and grow them in your garden. When rather tall these plants look like tomato plants in your garden. They may however look a little bit unruly because the branches are uncontrollable.
the leaves can be boiled as ordinary tea and taken throughout the day. You can dry them too and put in a bottle.
I like boiling the whole plant flowers and roots and all (of course after washing several times). and the drink is really bitter. The roots look like ginseng roots.
And I do hope that you can try a little bit of it if you are not convinced.
My nephew's Muslim father-in-law who hails from Ulu Selangor and a retired armed forces man drinks this several times a month to keep his good health. A cousin who is 75 walks every day and takes this tea whenever she has a headache. She has these plants at all times behind her kitchen. I have started to look for these plants and loving them.
How nature is always there to help us!!
can make into tea also like misai kuching? you mean get the young leaves,dry and goreng them under small fire,eh?
Ah Ngao
Just use the green leaves just like Hempedu Bumi or Kun Sing Lian.
Don't think I remember this one.
Thanks for compliments of Auckland view.
Re the one that looks like Miri Luak Bay, you just have to sit there, pretend it is cold and pretend it is Auckland.
Dear Ann
I saw in the news that it is about 12 degrees over there now...I wouldlike that temperature.
Yes thanks for your thoughts of sitting at the beach and watching the cliff....and pretending it is Auckland....Still saving for the trip.
hi there.. r u in miri? where can I get hempedu bumi in Miri? thank you..
Thanks for dropping by my blog Azrina. Hope you are fine.
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