Specifically my task was to ensure that our "special kitchen" was activated to enable the women folk to enjoy Christian sharing and activities. Lina and I with a new recruit Mr. Pao of Emmanual (Bintulu) took charge of the cooking with the help of three very able and well trained kitchen hands (whose work is equivalent to a food processor!!) We also had two very special chefs to help us do the BBQ.
Benedict Ling also prepared a special Sibu styled Foochow breakfast enough for 70 people!!
Our provisions originally were enough for one dinner and one breakfast but we had enough to extend to another lunch at the Balingian Church for another 80 people!! God's grace was provident!!
My thoughts were of two fishes and five loaves all the time. It was good to praise God and cook at the same time in the kitchen.
First our meat was 15 kg. Part of it was fried over wood fire like this by Chef Lina.
Second portion of the pork was sliced thinly for BBQ with pandan flavour by Chef Benedict and Assistant Chef Lisa.
This is Grace Methodist Church's special BBQ. You can guess our ingredients.
These are my kitchen angels - Bee Yien - Elaine and Pearly.
5 a.m. in the morning preparing breakfast - kompia from Sibu!! (with sliced meat prepared by Benedict - special taste and flavour!!)
Early morning - 5 a.m. fried rice with luncheon meat and well sliced cabbage!! There were several rounds of rice frying!!
This is Mr. Pao. Preparing the Aussie Cabbage with mock corned beef !! We needed the strong Foochow arms to stir the dish for lunch at the church.
Who are these little mice peeping through the hole? Prizes if you guess right. Email me!!
Here you see...pickled cucumber (properly chilled in the freezer) and curried eggs (Mother's Day celebration - must have eggs) and various other dishes!!
It was by the Grace of God that we prepared more than enough food for everybody and our cup runneth over.....
Thanks to all who helped to make our Feast on the Table a glorious witness for God.
a lot of food.
Next time you run out, just have a smashed raw garlic soup with salt and a dash of oil. That was what they served us the first night when we arrive in Kapit when we went to perform the Gypsy queen.
waa liew...! now,now...how i wish i'd join you people(to eat of coz...) hahaha
Dear Ann
Sure garlic soup is nice...In my kitchen I usually have lots of onions and eggs...and I cook onion soup/egg soup/onion egg omelette.....I can even pluck some ubi leaves and make some ubi leaves soup with bilis...also egg and ginger soup is nice.
I think mum's is - tiantsin vegetable soup...with garlic.
Usually when we go to Kapit we have good food too..a lot of free vegetables in the jungle!! Just pluck.
What happened during the Gypsy Baron? Who arranged for your group? Just being inquisitive....
Ah Ngao
You must join us one day...I will let you have plenty of notice...
plenty of notice ?? im vely siao lee type one bo....hehehe
Hi CY,
The garlic soup was not cooked, just hot water. It didn't taste nice to use then. We arrived after mid night, every one was tired.
Shall love to have a reunion of the Musical.
Won't be funny we we performed again?
I don't remember any of the songs we sang.
it was to keep them out from the food until it was ready? :)
No, I don't know Jane Voon. I was in MSS 1967-1973.
I was driving Sam, and was talking.
You will be shocked. I asked him about his English, and he said doing Shakespeare. What book? R & J. I said, hmmm, I don't know that one. Then I asked," Is it Romeo and Juliet.
My goodness, or OMG for today's kids.
Ah Ngao
Never mind. When you are ready to go...let me know.
thanks. You can help with the mobile kitchen and keep a low profile. Wear your Che scarf!
I would be an Impossible Dream to perform Gypsy Baron again....
However our play was a splendid cast...with a magnificent production line up!!
Never mind the soup...When you come to Miri I will make you ten types of soup....
Beng Beng
The wood panel was part of the extension kitchen! The girls were peeping at Benedict..(he is a bachelor) hush...top secret!!
Ok...now I remember..she came in 1978.
R and J ...OMG and GTG...all these acronyms make my head spin....my first one was TGIF....
I think we have to teach special acronyms in our English lessons now.
A bit early for Sam to study R and J?
In NZ, kids start school at 5, year 9 is like form 3 or 4,
Ok Ann...it means that New Zealand kids are all 3 to 4 years younger at uni when Malaysian kids go over for Uni at the age of 19 or 20!!(i.e. after STPM)
This is s going to be a long discussion. I am not a "soupie" person. By the time you drink that bowl of soup, your stomach is filled 1/2 up, and you have no space for the yummy food.
Last night, two groups of home group gave our friend a 79 to 80th Chinese birthday. She was born in the Solomons islands to a missionary and had been a missionary all her life. Now retired, she comes to our Global home group and the other home group which is led by a Foochow C from Sitiawan.
We love her very much and gave her the best dinner party with nice china plates and soup bowls and dessert bowls. I told my husband , it was a Foochow party, there was plenty to eat and plenty left over.
He had planned so well and it was really fun for 60 plus people. He talked about the different dishes. It was like HOCK CHU LAU lol. So guess what was the first course?
Corn and chicken soup. I sat at my pastor's table to serve them (Unplanned) The soup came piping hot on the table in those heated containers.
Guess who didn't drink or as the Kiwis say eat the soup. Me and another Anne, we both had the same idea. Only Anne was very slim and beautiful and a vegetarian.
We affectionately call our friend CHIWI, for Chinese Kiwi.
Sorry no photos.
Dear Ann
That is a lovely description of a lovely and thoughtful dinner for 60!! And with such cutlery and dinner ware too!
I love the word Chiwi...lovely.
She must be a really lovely missionary...How nice to be appreciated like this...And I am sure God above is pleased.
Bless your heart.
(I agree with you about the soup...)
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