March 27, 2011

Dance then where ever you may be......

Umbrella dances are popular amongst most ethnic groups. Today in Miri and in Sibu as well there are many groups who come together and have good physical exercises and dance to their hearts' content.

This group of Methodist Church Ladies at Grace Methodist Church of Miri prepare a dance for future concerts. But most importantly they get together for disciplined dance-exercise....
These umbrellas are part of an important dance routine.
Leadership is generated when the ladies get together.
Follower- ship is even more important.

Colourful umbrellas imported from China.

But at the end of the day it is the fellowship that will be remembered!! These ladies are still very shy...they said that they are only at rehearsal stage...please come when they are fully made up!! And dressed for the dance!! But I cannot wait....these are special moments of joy!!

The joy is in the dancing and sharing!!

To all whenever you have the chance even if you do not get to perform....teachers encourage your students and they will remember you in their hearts forever because you give them the opportunities....

And at whatever age we may be ....we DANCE!!

I leave you with this Youtube...and I do really remember Mr. Wiltshire my School Principal who introduced this hymn to us in our Sunday School lesson.......

"I am the Lord of the Dance said He.....and I will lead you all said then where ever you may be ........"


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

you remember we held this umbrella as we cycled to school? Now, it is a collectors item here.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Have you heard any news about Sandra Hii? Who are her family?

My husband say, many bodies so CHOW DA they can't identify.

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