This elderly farmer works right into the evening. It was about 5 p.m. when my friends and I visited him.....and he is really camera shy.....but the lovely sun makes the picture rich.....
Chillies fetch a lot of money....and so this couple plant on whatever available land they have. They have vegetables growing in their backyard and they do not have much land in the front.
So they capitalise on the sides of the big road...and just grow about 100 chilli plants!! From these plants they can gather many kilos a week...and now that chillies fetch more than 8 ringgit a kilo...they are happy with their harvests...and they do put in a lot of effort in growing these lovely big chillies.
Four green thumbs for them...and their resourcefulness....Malaysia is surely and better equipped for the future with farmers like them.
heard from so many,chillies are heavily sprayed becoz they're very vulnerable to the weather.anyway,i consume not much chillies so i think its ok lah
Ah Ngao
It is true for many chillies farmers who are in the habit of using fertilizers and pesticides...but still the weather is the most important factor for chillies to grow well...worms are real killers.cheers.
I just went to my Sri Lankan old neighbour to suggest he uses vinegar water to kill his aphids.
Must be powerful worm to eat the chillis.
Chillies attract lots of worms and many of my friends use homemade enzymes...excellent result...10 litres water...3 kg. peels of lemons etc...and 1 kg brown for 3 months...
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