Miss Mona Pengelly who used to work as a missionary nurse in Bukit Lan in Sibu lives here now in her retirement (she is 80) with her nieces and nephews living near by. She was born in Cornwall and after working in Burma and Sarawak and for many years in London she is now home !
Cornwall is at the western and southern tip of England.
A nice brick house this is typical of homes built quite near the road. No fences!!
A beautiful scene of the vale from Miss Mona's window...down the valley is this beautiufl whte cottage. In the early morning a thick mist will cover the valley in a white ghostly film. And slowly the mist will rise as the sun wasrms up the earth. Watching the valley clearing up in the morning makes you feel that you are one with earth.
A good view of the vast expanse of land. When the trees become sparse you know you are driving through Bodmin Moor - which is a lonely and open landscape which makes Cornwall and Devon very remarkable and unique.

A beautiful horse grazing on Bodmin Moor.
Ancient Roman ruins.
Driving through a road in launceston between old but pretty houses.
looks very serene and quiet town. no fences surrounding the brick house? - never got a breakins around the neighborhood i think.
Yes Ah Ngao
You are right. No fencing...and hardly any break in...crimes are usually in the inner cities of London etc. These farm people are very God fearing and neighbourly.
Hi Sarawakiana,
I thought the Launceston in Tasmania which I visited 2 years back. The sceneries are the same as in Aussie.
Hi...if you google Launceston of Cornwall...you can also see some superb views...I have not been to Launceston of Tasmania. I hope to go there one day....
God bless.
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