Red Carpet? Twelve Gun Salute? Blowing of trumpet? Clanging of cymbals? Lion Dance?
But then this is the modern world....100 years later.... let's see what the World Foochow Association of Sarawak and the local Foochow Association will do....Watch this blog!!
Miri is all agog about welcoming more than 10 000 Foochows from all over the world to the city . Due to arrive in the next few days for a World Foochow Congress these representatives will be staying in the various hotels in the city.
Official Dinners would be held in Eastwood Resort in the suburb and the Mega. While various activities would be spread out in various venues like Mega Hotel and Boulevard Mall there will also be
Malaysian state flags in front of the new Imperial Palace Hotel

Banner saying Warm Welcome to World Foochow Fellow Clansmen and Women

A huge banner at the Imperial Palace Hotel (forming M Square)

Dynasty Hotel Miri flying a giant banner (Welcome World Foochow Clansmen and Women)

Another banner ...we care we share...togetherness....

The Imperial Mall also has a banner up....
This unusual celebration is a 3 in 1 celebration from 19 to 21 November at Eastwood Valley
It will mark the 20th Anniversary of the World Federation of Foochow Associations, the 30th Anniversary of the Sarawak Federation of Foochow Associations and the 50th Anniversary of the Malaysian Federation of Foochow Associations.
Other activities would include a Singing Competition and the launching of a book on Foochow food : Flavours and Tastes of the Foochow People.
You might be interested in having some of the addresses and contacts:
地址: 德威路门牌21号,福州大厦04-01室
21 Tyrwhitt Road,#04-01
Foochow Building S' 207530
电话: 62939852
传真: 62927886
美东福建同乡会 Fukien American Association Inc. 125,East Broadway,New York, N.Y.10002,U.S.A 电话:1-212-385-8560 传真:1-212-406-7425 | 美西福建同乡会 Western Fukien Benevolent Association 25,Stone Street, San Francisco, CA 94108 U.S.A 电话:1-415-398-8618 传真:1-415-398-7819 |
福州十邑旅港同乡会 The Foochow Association Limited Flat,804-805A,8 Floor, Wing Tuck Commercial Centre, No.177-183, Wing Lok Street, Hongkong. 电话:603-21485059 传真:603-21485084 | 台湾台北市福州同乡会 Fuzhou Association of Taipei City 台湾台北市宁波西街, 97号13楼, Taipei Taiwan. R.O.C 电话:886-2-2303-5460 传真:886-2-2305-2293 |
旅菲福州同乡会 Foochow Townmates Association of The Philippines Room 702,Binondo Terrace,842, Alvarado Street,Binondo,Manila,Philippines. 电话:63-2-816-4189 传真:63-2-817-1843 | 印尼雅加达吉祥山基金会 Yayasan Bukit Mulia Indah Jl.Pluit Karang Sari V1, No.1-10(D/H.Muara Karang BLOK O/V11 Utara) Jakarta,14450 Indonesia. 电话:62-21-660-3210,62-21-661-0790 传真:62-21-661-0766 |
旅日福建同乡恳亲会 The Association of Fujian In Japan KCC Building 9F,3-1-1 Kaigan Dori, Chuo-Ku,Kobe-City,Japan 电话:81-78-332-1324 传真:81-78-332-5228 | 澳门福州三山(十邑)同乡会 Sam San Fok Chao Association Dos Conterraneos Rotunda Carlos Da Maia No.6, Bloco'B'1 Andar, Edificio Tin Van, Macau. 电话:853-551-433 传真:853-529-496 |
汶莱马来奕福州公会 Brunei Foochow Association Lot 2439 Jalan Bunga Raya, P.O.Box 162 KA 1131, Kuala Belait, Negara Brunei Darussalam. 电话:673-3-341-363 传真:673-3-334-373 | 泰国福州会馆 The Federation of Foochow Associations of Malaysia 3/66-67, Soi Eakachai 38, Eakachai Rd, Bangkhuntian, Bangkok,10150 Thailand. 电话:66-2-416-9987 传真:66-2-893-5895 |
台湾台中市福州十邑同乡会 Fuzhou Association of Tai Chong City 台湾台北市自由路二段, 二十号四楼, Taiwan,R.O.C. 电话:886-4-2223-7769 传真:886-4-2206-7228 | 美国金山八闽同乡联谊会 Bamen Friendship Association of S.F. 770 Sacramento St,2/F., San Francisco, CA 94108,U.S.A 电话:1-415-989-8460 传真:1-415-989-8002 |
印尼棉兰三德慈善基金会 Yayasan Social Tri Dharma Sejahtera Jalan Sabaruddin, No.9-A, 9-B, Medan 0214, Indonesia. 电话:62-61-732-1186 传真:62-61-732-1187 | 加拿大温哥华福州公会 The Foochow Cultural Association No.5371,Parker Street, North Burnaby,B.C.,Canada, V5B 1Z8. 电话:1-604-298-5372 传真:1-604-298-5308 |
澳洲福州十邑同乡会 Foochow Association of Australia Incorporated Suite 2,191 Hay Street, Sydney NSW 2000,Australia. 电话:61-2-9212-3953 传真:61-2-9281-8560 | 纽西兰肯特伯利福州同乡会 Canterbury Foochow Association Incorporated P.O.Box 8538, Christchurch, New Zealand. 电话:64-3-348-5409 传真:64-3-348-3386 |
美国罗省福州同乡会联谊会 Foochow Natives Benevolent Association of Los Angeles 767N,Hill Street,Suite 205, Los Angeles,CA 90012 U.S.A 电话:1-213-626-8110 传真:1-213-687-8566 | 缅华福州三山同乡会 Myanmar Chinese Fuzhou Sun Sun Association 135-137,21st Street, Yangon, Myanmar. 电话:95-1-225-676 传真:95-1-251-672 |
美国福建公所 United Fujianese of American Association 17-23,East Broadway,Room 604, New York, N.Y. 10002, U.S.A. 电话:1-212-272-0505 传真:1-212-791-6320 | 台湾新竹市福州同乡会 Fuzhou Association of Xin Zhu City 台湾新竹市大同路198号, Taiwan,R.O.C. 电话:886-3-526-3682 传真:886-3-3571-6609 |
诗巫福州公会 Persatuan Foochow Sibu No.8-10,Jalan Central, 96000 Sibu, Sarawak,Malaysia 电话:60-84-320-445 传真:60-84-324-427 | 砂劳越福州社团联合总会 Persekutuan Persatuan Persatuan Foochow Sarawak No.8-10,Jalan Central, 96000 Sibu,Sarawak,Malaysia 电话:60-84-333-850 传真:60-84-333-950 |
美里福州公会 Miri Foochow Association Lot 1088 2nd Floor, Jalan Jee Foh, Krokop 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. 电话:60-85-436-075 传真:60-85-436-084 | 澳洲南澳福州十邑同乡会 Foochow Association of South Australia Inc. Suite 3, Level 1, 61-63, Grote Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 电话;61-8-8212-8866 传真:61-8-8212-8886 |
澳洲福州同乡会 Australia Fuzhou Association 422, Pitt Street, Sydney 2000, Australia. 电话;61-2-9281-8564 传真:61-2-9281-8564 | 旅荷福建同乡联合会 Fujian Province Association A,Paulownastratt 55 8606 XP Sneek,The 电话:31-599-313-236 传真:31-599-313-727 |
美国洛杉矶福州同乡会 Foo Zhou Benevolent Association 949 N, Hill St.,3 Floor, Los Angles CA 90012, U.S.A 电话:1-213-250-8887,1-213-617-2245 传真:1-213-613-0306 | 古晋福州公会 Foochow Association Kuching No.16-20,(Lot 160-162),Jalan Chan Chin Ann, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. 电话:60-82-240-781 传真:60-82-240-653 |
印尼东爪哇福州十邑同乡会 Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Surabaya Indonesia No.202, Jalan Kapasan, Surabaya, Indonesia. 电话:62-31-371-9182 传真:62-31-371-0779 | 澳洲维省福州十邑同乡会 Foochow Association of Victoria, Australia 129,Balwyn Road, VIC 3103, Australia. 电话:61-3-9836-3638 传真:61-3-9836-5215 |
民都鲁福州公会 Foochow Association No.93, Taman Sri Sinong, Jalan Nabang Galau, 97000 Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia 电话:60-86-332-072 传真:60-86-332-072 | 印尼锡江福善基金会 Yayasan Amal Sejahtera Jl. Ternate No.21, Makassar, Sulawesi, Selatan, Indonesia. 电话:62-411-324-907 传真:62-411-454-288 |
印尼万隆福州基金会 Mohtoha 229, Bandung, Indonesia. 电话:62-22-521-2111 传真:62-22-521-2111 | 成邦江福州公会 Simanggang Foochow Association No.98 A-B,Club Road, 95000 Simanggang, Sarawak, Malaysia. 电话:62-411-324-907 传真:62-411-454-288 |
美国福州十邑同乡会 Fuzhou Association of U.S.A Inc. 327, Main Street, Highland Falls Ny,10928 U.S.A 电话:1-845-446-2922 传真:1-845-446-2743 | 泗里街福州公会 Sarikei Foochow Association No.8, 2nd Floor, Jalan Tok Tok, 96100 Sarikei, Sarawak, Malaysia 电话:60-84-652-751 传真:60-84-652-751 |
林梦福州公会 Limbang Foochow Association Lot 1347, Kg Bangkita, 98700 Limbang, Sarawak, Malaysia. 电话:60-85-212-273 | 古晋榕属俱乐部 Kuching Yong’s (Foochow) Club P.O.Box 1921, 93738 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia 电话:60-82-258-222 传真:60-82-429-851 |
诗巫闽清同乡会 Mingchiang Tunhion Huay Sibu No.44, Central Road, 96000 Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia 电话:60-84-320-936 传真:60-84-320-936 | 马拉端福州公会 Foochow Association Meradong Sarawak 21 C-D, Jalan Teo Kui Ngo, P.O.Box 187, 96508 Bintangor, Sarawak, Malaysia. 电话:6084-692-594 传真:6084-692-594 |
and many red tanglung welcoming them!
so it is back to Sarawak again !
a few years back,from Holiday Inn near the river in Kuching I was enjoying the fireworks for a Foochow Conference
(understand Holiday Inn is no more there)
looking at the associations, please explain why some are "Fujian" and also Simanggang is used instead of "Sri Aman" ?
enjoy your blog, visit it every day !
Sorry to have miss this big event in Miri but I did enjoy the one held in Sibu in 2005.Well done Foochows from all over the world !! I am proud too to be one,though I am the least and humble among all who achieve so well in society.Our forefathers must be pleased to look down from heaven and give a big smile.
Lisa, Hamilton
what is this kind of conferences about? are they about makan and minum only?
Hi G.N.
yes...the team(s)are also welcoming the foregin and West Malaysian counterparts warmly at the Miri Airport....with banners etc...Have you seen the tangloong at night? Not too grand though.
Hi Anonymous
Holiday is still there but the name has been changed to Grand Margerita Hotel...Fujian is the name of the whole Province (from which the Foochows come from). Names and addresses remain the same since the day these associations were registed. Hence even if Fuzhou is the better Pinyin and new word used in China the Foochows of Sarawak still use Foochow Association....Similarly Simanggang....(It is like Tiong Suk Ding...will always be Tiong suk ding even if the new Pinyin should be Zahng Xu Zheng...
Hi Lisa...Clansmen who can organise huge reunions should be applauded. And if Miri can enjoy organising such a big event it should be appreciated. And people (Foochows ) who come all the way from as far as Seattle for example should be given a big hand. I have already met Foochows from Perak and Indonesia!!
They are just so enthusiastic!! It would be a pleasure getting to see the joy in their faces..Praise God indeed.
Dear Anonymous...there are several events - I like to see the World Foochow Association giving prizes to the Bing Sing Memorial Arts Awards (best Chinese poetry or short stories) and also launching of a new book about the tastes and flavours of the Foochows. Besides there are of course the welcoming dinner and a special appreciation dinner. There are other celebrations ane events. Foreign delegates who are interested will be taken to the Mulu Caves. And one of the conferences will be to elect office bearers of the associations etc.
Miri will not be the same for the next few days i am sure of that :)
Yes you are right!! Miri has a new language and new "foreigners"....and every one is busy busy busy. Hope you will buy the book and keep the errors under your tender care...( haven't used this phrase for a long time....) thanks for visiting...
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