A little lane from St. Joseph kidergarten leads to this little kiosk in Hokkien Lane. I remember the kiosk best for the time when my children were younger. Here many young kids and their mums would buy their ice balls all those many years ago. Today many of us have grey hair and eating habits have changed and yet children still come to the friendly old couple who now sell ABC and some kuih teow...Occasionally many hotel employees stop by for a small plate of fried noodles or some maggi mee......this innocent area will forever be changed by a strange murder this morning around 7:30 a.m.
A young rural girl who had been working in a nearby supermarket was stabbed to death. She was not yet 24...born in the year of the Rabbit.

One stab in her stomach took away her young life.......I am sure details will be found in tomorrow's papers in Miri.
Actually another person had also been stabbed about two hours later in the same place.
Too many bad happenings going on in Miri now.
Two murders in a day! This is horrible.
Year of the rabbit... that is of the same age as my #3 girl, Janice, 1987!
Puan Isah...yeah...so sad....
William...I heard from a friend the second victim was alright after some treatment. Hope he continues to be strong.
Miri become so dangerous lately.. Sigh~
What are the police doing? just looking after the Barisan VIPs. Police are efficient only when protecting their VIPs, but not when they have to protect the masters - the people.
Love is blind. Was told these two cases have love relationship conection linked before the tragegies. Sad these things happenned two the two cases.
Sad story. I was told by the family Miri is quite bad with crimes. My brothers won't use their newer car in Miri.
Thanks for dropping by. Tragic...I too...am sighing very often.....
Anonymous..Police are rarely seen in Miri. That's true. And most of the time they seem to be just minding their own business....as people here say.
Anonymous...Crimes of Passion are hard to define. Love is also hard to nail. Emotions are even more difficult to assess.....These two crimes are hard to assess and interpret.
But then the people are saying...love and forgive.
Sunflower...yes Brunei cars are often in danger...some are very badly damaged. That is why there are many shuttle buses going from one part of Brunei right to the shopping malls.
We often ask...what is safest ?
Not murder suicide, but murdered by a jilted lover?
Ann..we don't know the real story...but I know it was not Romeo and Juliet story.
i saw the picture of the stabber,reminds me of the 70's swordsman film by Wang Yi....something like " Tut Pik Tao" . the stabber sure looks desperates
Ah Ngao...he was often lurking around this town area...he seemed so harmless and was also known to be very friendly at times to people he knew...Sad story.
even more sadder when i learnt that a little bird flew into the house of Tiffany(during the funeral) and landed on the flower wreath. even more2 sadder is when the little bird hop hop onto the hand of Tiffany's mum. why i said very sad? because this episode here is just the same when my papa left us a few years ago.
on any normal day,there sometimes these few cuukoos(doves) flying and playing at the back of my garden. when you just wanna open your door,they will berambus and quickly take flight. but not that late morning when my papa passed away.my mum went to backyard to get the clothing and chance upon this lone cuukoo(dove) and this cuukoo just stayed there on the ground and when my mum asked," are you my dear?" the bird just hop and flewed to my mum's hand and my mum stroke the bird.... . my mum told me what happened when i came back(after i sent my papa body to the wake or benevolent society)i cried(everybody cried). well.. anyway,dear friend and friends - Shalom
... Ah Ngao
Ah Ngao...please convey my sympathies to your mum too. For I know my mum also grieves for my Dad for the last 40+ years! And very often she would try to look for signs that HE may appear in a different form...and yes..it is so good that your mum asked "Is that you dear?"
Yes..it is very touching to read about Tiffany and the stories ...today some stories including a 4D no. 1796 (bou)....
Thanks for sharing.
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