May 1, 2011

Padi Farmers' Evening Meal

It was just too late to buy anything from the fresh food market along the road side when my friend said that I could visit her house in the evening. She did not expect me to be visiting at that precise moment as both of us had been busy. And she told me not to worry even though she had only some food for dinner. If I did not mind what ever she had on the table.....

Sarawakian Ibans are usually very hospitable especially if they know you very well and there is no need for good friends  to stand on ceremony.

But still I was a bit perturbed. I had no live chicken to bring or even any frozen food. So I put myself in her shoes...."Guests are coming. So what can a padi farmer do?"

True enough...this happens......At the corner shop/stall  she can still get a half pig head....which she can bbq very quickly.

The rice field has given her two nice wild vegetables - white wild mushrooms and an organic green...and not forgetting her own newly milled rice.

This is belly pork which is the left over from the day before (she has a fridge and a freezer which accomodates hunted meat if her husband could get any) cooked in a soy sauce and five spice soup.....a mock Kueh Chap soup.

Ahhhhhh the salted and preserved pork from the fridge.This is what the Ibans called Kasam Babi......Excellent appetizer.

Daun sabung....from the jungle - I heard from many that this can cure diabetes...

My dear friends....I was amongst the guests and best of friends......and this is my lovely plate of dinner...wild mushrooms and duan sabung.

Cheers. When people are friendly and is at its best!! And conversation is the best ever....Padi farmers do not need fences to wall up their properties and they grains are left out in the yard under covers - no fear of thieves because every one respects every one's property.....this is farmers' ethics in the rural areas....

I am very grateful because it is not always we can drop in like this and have a good time with friends...and not every one would be pleased when you drop in at their meal times....But in Sarawak a place can be easily set and food can be piled on your plate when you drop by.......Most people in other cultures need to be given a lot of notice or you need to be invited to the meal at the table. Thanks M.....


wenn said...

those wild mushrooms must be nice!

sarawaklens said...

I have heard of daun sabung but never tried it. I like the mushrooms but not the other stuff haha

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...


I got another mushroom story. So funny.

Ensurai said...

Hi Wenn
These wild mushrooms are very nice...when the rains come in the morning most of the padi farmers would start hunting for them. And take home in the evening for dinner!!

Ensurai said...

Yes Daun Sabung is nice...may be it is called by other names in Kuching? Mushrooms are nice...and may be for health reasons we should not be eating a lot of the other stuff...thanks for visiting.

Ensurai said...

Tell me about your mushroom story. I got one about my FIL being admitted into the hospital because of mushroom poisoning!!

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