July 9, 2011

Bersih 2.0

Interesting event in the historical chronology of our nation.

I am just wondering what our own social historians will write vis-a-vis world social changes and intellectual progress.

Within 90 years after China's dynasties saw their demise under layers and layers of political turmoil and Communist take over China is perhaps going to be the world's strongest economy to the disappointment of many political analysts....Some people are still questioning..how did a communist country manage to do that? Is it just political or just mere economic development?

Japanese Chrysanthemum throne surged forward into the 21 century with grace like the cherry blossoms and has weathered the seasonal changes.It has seen the world's worst physical disaster this year and yet the people are recovering with grace.

The US saw the first non-white President #41 President Obama. Many Americans are re-thinking their own economic situation and trying their best to get back into farming wisely.

And while many people view that the UK government is shaky and dishevelled I strongly feel that the British farmers are getting their hands dirty and looking forward to their summer harvests and a winter rest with their understated humour and social stamina!!

Greece one of the oldest civilizations is nearing an unheard of bankruptcy and requires economic bailouts if need be. Yet many have judged saying that with some handouts the Greeks would be out and enjoying their summer holidays.

Thailand would see a young and beautiful woman as Prime Minister. More than 100 years after Anna met King Mongkut. One can never tell about politics. Many Asian countries already have had women as their leaders - with good results!!

If we review the example set by the Roman prisoners to save Spartacus in the famous human dignity and solidarity act "I am Spartacus"...how many of us would lay down our lives willingly for our brother or sister!! Again it is a personal and yet human choice.

Of course it is easy for any one to make statements.

In the final analysis the decision continues to be in the hands which vote and the goodness of man. It also depends on who can convincingly get the limelight. The general populace must remain intelligent and responsible.

May Good things continue to happen to us.

May God bless Malaysia.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Thailand, a female in deed, but just as puppet?

Anonymous said...

this coming GE13,definately a wind of chance for M'sia . i think for China to be so great today is becoz of both there polital development and the Chinese people greatest instinct of survival- about just moving forwad and never going "backward",unlike some nations who never dares to really move forward and coming out with more silly reforms/bills instead.

Ah Ngao

Anonymous said...

Agree! Change we must for a better Malaysia

Anonymous said...

My right to wear clean yellow T-shirt
Dr Roy McCoy

Human rights and fundamental freedoms have become dominant issues of the day, since the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

The Preamble states that recognition of the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all individuals is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.

1966, the General Assembly adopted two binding Covenants, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which together with the Declaration form the International Bill of Human Rights.

However, the Malaysian government has not signed or ratified both Covenants.

Although the principle of protecting and defending human rights is accepted virtually everywhere, it is also violated virtually everywhere, although much more in some countries than in others.

The lofty ideals of human rights will remain irrelevant to individuals, unless human rights are deeply embedded and actualised in the national culture.

National human rights commissions and other national institutions, including an independent judiciary and the rule of just law, are therefore crucial foundations for human rights.

Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam)

After an abysmal record of human rights violations in 1998, the Malaysian government went through a cosmetic public relations exercise to sanitise its record.

By defining human rights according to its own narrow criteria, the NONEgovernment in April 1999 tabled the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia Bill, without prior consultation with interested civil society groups, contradicting the very essence and spirit of human rights.

The Bill spelled out a version of human rights, as defined in the Federal Constitution but curtailed by draconian laws, including the Internal Security Act, the four Proclamations of Emergency, the Sedition Act, the Printing Presses and Publications Act, and the Police Act.

In July 1999, civil society organised a forum on the proposed Bill and adopted a resolution welcoming in principle the proposed Human Rights Commission of Malaysia but expressing regret at the lack of transparency and inclusiveness.

The forum recommended that the Commission adopt the 1991 UN-sponsored Paris Principles as its main criteria: autonomy and a broad independence, a mandate based on universal human rights standards, and adequate powers of investigation with adequate funding and resources.

The forum also urged the government to demonstrate its commitment to and respect for human rights by:

Anonymous said...

Ongoing events indicate that a terribly oppressive malaise has overtaken this wonderful country. I am deeply concerned that there is little or no space for progressive dialogue between the government and its detractors in civil society. It is a wake-up call for all Malaysians. Our country is in crisis.

A Malay-dominated coalition of racial political parties has ruled the country since Merdeka Day.

In the early years, such a political bargain was necessary and had a rightful place in our history. But after 54 years, racial politics has NONEbecome poisonous and polarising, as its only benefits a small group of elite Malays.

Political dissent along ethnic and class lines is growing and national unity hardly exists. One can understand if a kampong Malay declares that he is a Malay first and a Malaysian second.

But it raises concerns when the deputy prime minister repeats the same sentiments. Perhaps the prime minister has made a correction and declared that he's a Malaysian first and a Malay second, but I may have missed that.

National unity is nurtured and strengthened when all children go to one type of school, but education policies have been politicised and education standards are falling.

There is a steady brain drain of the bright and diligent. Political dissent along ethnic and class lines is increasing.

There is growing resentment among the poor Malays, Chinese, Indians and indigenous people that wealth is not being shared fairly and that health care is being privatised and is no longer affordable.

Press freedom is a cornerstone of human rights. It holds governments responsible for their acts, and sends a warning to all that impunity is an illusion. But there is no press freedom in Malaysia.

There is no independent journalism and therefore no bedrock for democratic engagement and respect for human rights. By exposing wrongdoing, free media can provide transparency and accountability, and reduce corruption in public life.

But corruption is entrenched. Greed and affluence have become virtues. The judiciary has lost its independence. Justice and the rule of law languish.

I have spent 40 years of my life delivering thousands of babies. I believe they deserve to live in freedom, with their human rights intact.

I call upon the government to repeal all unjust laws, particularly the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance and the Internal Security Act.

I call upon the Malaysian government to immediately free and restore the dignity of all those who have been imprisoned for exercising their fundamental freedoms and human rights.

RONALD MCCOY is former president of Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) and International Physicians for the Prevention of the Nuclear War (IPPNW).

Bengbeng said...

both sides clam to have won the moral victory but cant b denied pm's image has been badly hurt internationally

Anonymous said...

You eat curry rice already and sleep in Hotel Hilton KL?

Where were in in 1971 when there was 24 hours curfew in Sibu?

Ensurai said...

Ann...just hope she will rule well even though a lot of "family" members may be there to pull the strings.

Ensurai said...

Ah Ngao..it is up to the people and God.....May truth prevail...

Ensurai said...

To the first three Anonymous..thanks for your comments.

Ensurai said...

Beng Beng..I agree with you. He has not spoken yet..although in most of the news footage he seems to be unconcerned. Rahter nonchalant ...

Ensurai said...

Hahahah...I think I know who you are!! Nope I have not eaten any curry rice yet...
In 1971 I was in MU..enjoying the nice tennis courts and freedom to listen to Annuar Ibrahim who was our Student Union President!!
Missed some of the worst curfews but was affected when I went back to Sibu during the holidays. My cousins all moved away from their kampong houses ..It was a very sad time for us actually. My mother always wanted us to keep a good stock of dried mee and tinned stuff...I believe I now have the "refugee complex" too...you can find at least half a dozen of sardins and chicken curry...food which do not need any stove...open and eat...

Lee said...

Hi Sarawakiana, here in Canada nobody blinks an eye with street demos....it is the right of the people to protest....as long no violence.
Even the cops yawwwwnnn....and hardly a 2 minute mention on TV or press.

There are 127 nationalities in Toronto, 47% of the population born outside Canada, so you name the demos, we have it....
We even have a Communist party year here, not popular....
But sometimes can be interesting when someone decides to protest in a birthday suit, ha ha....

Ensurai said...

Dear Uncle Lee....
It is true what you say...demo can be held ...any time and no havoc..peace!

We should be given the freedom of expression and freedom of assembly. Think our police are over protective of their politicians?????
Actually we do have many crazy folks who walk around in only their birthday suit very often. It is also their expression of disgust with the world!! But who knows what is in their head? Let them be.

Lee said...

Reminds me of, "Go tell the Spartans...".

Ensurai said...

Hi Uncle Lee...lots of parallels now in recent years. Many demos have been copied world wide actually. And many more modelled on historical incidents. We only do not have Massacre at Wounded Knee yet. That would be a real tragedy.

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