Those people who know how to cook some exotic dishes in Sarawak would know how to use these yam stems for home style cooking.
These stems are well loved by both Malays and the other indigenous people of Sarawak. In fact I found out that these yam stems have become popular restaurant fare in Yunnan!!
The yam stem soups of different varieties are hot favourites in Yunnan's restaurants and in many indigenous homes in SArawak and West Malaysia.
And there are definitely other ways of cooking them. I have eaten them as a clay pot dish in China and it was definitely good enough for a well starred restaurant!!
This is a big bundle...worth all its value in money. |
There is always something interesting going on in the native markets in Miri.
Here is a photographic peep into the lives of the indigenous itinerant hawkers.
The hawker has gone away and leaving her umbrella to take care of her jungle vegetables!!
It is a pity that jungle vegetable sellers or hawkers have to face all kinds of weather when they try to earn a bit of money in Miri. No amenities are provided for them. But at least there is some esprit d corps as can be seen in the photo and in the market. They are safe amongst themselves. They look out for each other.
I wonder when the Government will come up with a good plan to help the real jungle hawkers to sell their fruits and vegetables without fear of running against the law.
May be some politicians should try to formulate a good law for them....after all the politicians are our honorable law makers!! |
at least nobody steals her products.
Yeah...Ann..the hawkers here look out for each other.
Hi Sarawakania, I'll take a rain cheque on this dish. Somehow have never appreciated yam. My wife does.
We get it here too, can see the Chinese buying at Chinese markets.
I guess where you are there's lots of varieties vegetables.
You have fun and keep well. Best regards.
Hi Uncle Lee
Thanks. I remember you telling me that before.
Don't you like the idea of an umbrella as a security gadget here in Miri?
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