April 14, 2013

Sibu : First Captain of lst Sibu BB Company

On the bus
Rev Tomlinson in blue. Wesley Church Gold Jubilee Photo
2008 An interview was conducted to glean some interesting information from Retired Rev Chris Tomlinson - after the lst Sibu Company celebrated its 40th Anniversary. 1st Sibu Company has the priviledge to invite all our former captains to celebrate in this 40th anniversary.

1. Rev Chris and his family left in 1971.
2. Rev Chris found many differences in Sibu since 1971: there were few roads and few cars.
3. Rev Chris was pastor of Wesley Church 
4. He was a BB with the 8th Sheffield Company in England.
5. He started lst Sibu Company in 1968 because a) the Sarawak Methodist Conference wanted him to develop youth work in Sibu. And he decided that BB would be most appropriate for the chuch and young peoiple.
6. The biggest challenge : to pursuade the church and some parents that BB and GB were youth organisations based on Christian principles and an understanding of auhority and discipline.

God has blessed the First Company manifold. And a heartfelt thank you to Rev Tomlinson for spreading BB and touching so many lives!

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