When we were young we looked at our elders applying the minimal amount of face powder. This Haitang powder was their basic beauty aid. We loved the fragrance from the haitang flower. It is a nostalgic fragrance.
Another lady who used a lot of Hai Tang Hua powder was Mrs. JB Chong, who was always well groomed. She would never go out in public without her face powder, and without any fragrance on her body. An aunt used to remark, "Even her laundry smelled nice."
My maternal grandmother said that haitang flower was a very beautiful flower in Fujian....but we never had any idea how beautiful it was then. We only had pictures like those on the cover of the box of face powder.

Today we know that Hai Tang Hua is begonia. Begonia is often planted in home gardens.

Today, we have lots of photos from Google to tell all about flowers in the world!! My maternal grandmother would have love it , like my 90 year old mother today. My sisters would start their iPad to show her photos and she would be delighted!! She also skypes.
It looks like it is Camellia flower to whoch tea also belongs to.
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