June 29, 2017

TB Prevention

Before Malaysia was formed, health service in Sibu was rather basic.

I remember a few Foochow elders were isolated in the TB ward of the Lau King Howe Hospital.

the Health clinic of Sibu was called "Wu Lek Hui" by the Foochows. and the name stuck to this day. Wu Lek Hui actually refers to the Methodist Church fellowship of Epsworth League, which was named Wu Lek Hui, Hui meaning League. Probably Epsworth sounds like Wu Lek. Any one wanting some medication or examination would go to the Wu Lek Hui, which was sited at the Channel Road.

those Chinese and Ibans who lived around sibu who were found to be TB infected were given treatment. The ones who were not too serious had to receive injections regularly. While whose who were serious and probably dying, were kept in the Lau King Howe's TB clinic. They were considered Locked Up patients and were not allowed to escape.

Many had actually tried to run away and that would mean that they would spread their contagious disease.

The Ibans in order to isolate those suffering from TB, got them to live in isolation. This was called, "Diau kediri" in the Iban language.

In later years vaccination, inoculation and other injections were given to children for better health care. The Wu Lek Hui became the Mother and Child Clinic, and Lau King Howe Hospital had adult outpatient care.

BCG was given to babies who attended Child Care clinics and to  all primary school students who did not get BCG vaccine when they were younger. It leaves behind quite a bad scar for some children. some girls even had horrendous scars.

Image result for BCG on arms

"BCG, or bacille Calmette-Guerin, is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease.  BCG is used in Malaysia and other countries with a high prevalence of TB to prevent childhood tuberculous meningitis and miliary disease.

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