We were a group of Methodist youths going to build public toilets for a longhouse. It was also one of my few journeys into the interiors of Sarawak. The longhouse selected belonged to the family of (now) Datuk Billy Abit Joo and most of the residents were not yet Christians. There were about 40 of us youths coming from Sibu, Kapit, and Sarikei, from different racial backgrounds. It must have been quite a cultural shock for the longhouse folks.
Among us was also a Peace Corps volunteer from the US.
I was not unfarmiliar with longhouse life as my grandfather owned the Kiong Ann Brickyard in Aup and I had close relationships with the employees who were mainy Ibans and Kayans. And I had visited the Iban longhouses there from time to time. But for many of my MYF friends who went along, it was the first time ever in their lives to "sleep" in a longhouse.
Our team members were all given different roles to play besides having to dig the pits for two toilets. Food was well cooked in the kitchen and we all ate together in the ruai, sitting on the mat, and enjoying our food cooked by our friends.
In the evenings we had prayers and Bible study. And to make the longhouse people feel that we were very happy with their hospitality, we encouraged them to sing and dance with us. Many of us fell asleep watching them dancing into the small hours of the morning. the friendly dogs did not bother us at all.
It was also the first time I learned how pit toilets were constructed. I felt pretty good about myself. I am sure my fellow MYFers felt good too. In no time we finished our projects and we were on our way home to Kapit, Sibu and Sarikei. Most of us never met up with each other after we parted which was a pity. It is now 51 years after that date. Half a century plus 1 year have gone by.
When I went back to Sibu, I had an earful from mother. She did say that it was lucky for me to be home safe and sound and that I did not break an arm or a leg.
My mother thought I was too ready to go away from home, like a bird ready to fly off. She must have confided in my aunts and uncles. One of my non Christian uncles later told me that our work in rural Sarawak was similar to the Red Guards work in rural China. He was probably using some reverse psychology on me. But I replied that we were doing work for Christ and our MYF motto was Christ Above All.
However, it all ended up quite well for him. Because years later I met up with him again in Sibu and he was a contented and happy man. Was he was quite impressed by the work of Christian youths? After he retired he became a faithful church goer.
All these photos are from Google. We were blessed by the development in technology. Years ago I thought the beauty of the Pelagus would not be brought to my friends who never left Sibu..They would not have any idea of what I saw.
Today the rocks of the Pelagus have been blasted and the river Rajang does not look so treacherous.
![No photo description available.](https://scontent.fkul16-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/11902292_1074406569239219_1801064924543688899_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_eui2=AeGL2xP9buTlsGzwGZpbX9JPzZfR9iU4XytQboWGkfd2zoaANtC5nkkYJ31QoufWV6t2Y-v_sBAfh1GG-2ncndvLNq__gs0_s_MKKQ7_rIvHoQ&_nc_oc=AQlwM_XtXR3BwyDTYcgi3HTCm7Pj-BWoNM5DaXDd6p8V8oh2CTLdguKQrJgSS18zQF8&_nc_ht=scontent.fkul16-1.fna&oh=46356b1206ca9eeabc32595b77043b79&oe=5D961D67)
Covered long boat shooting the rapids.
![No photo description available.](https://scontent.fkul16-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/12525580_1178297198850155_6156885037757931321_o.jpg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_eui2=AeFp4W-n1nP6Ny4rruJihI0yXMr2hRLaG-7JKAVJTOWaApMV_dLm_xT5KQOfs5xTppG2gmU1GAQ4OJFkapbvRfBqGgG-cfz9R9tT684YVEITvQ&_nc_oc=AQnrQtyUh6OolJrDOGfOUsNToq009BwVdCnE0BtvGSgxSeSwPqdVZFIVr0SsnGjVYXw&_nc_ht=scontent.fkul16-1.fna&oh=46f4f98526986aaabcd2cc9da805d3ce&oe=5D7F2EFC)
Photo from an uncle who was travelling up to Belaga as a civil servant. He had a friend who took this photo. Probably in the 1970's.
![No photo description available.](https://scontent.fkul16-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/11855834_1074406175905925_659912363102844628_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_eui2=AeFjBgGGkSPiyCEOkCmv6bFWNxyOo5nYnTM_uP-tl6RkV7rTbPdF58ceitprG-NCO74xQsfjTAuAzCr_jjHL0gXNr3WtNgekpgFzliqvnbepQg&_nc_oc=AQk1rtHZ4y_UVu2Pdv8kYlkt1S18ZoBFz3G3X4EKwxvHEwCOXxsPLoMEIgLWSOhcW-w&_nc_ht=scontent.fkul16-1.fna&oh=1b12c06a40c841d8a4a46cd6887ca6f2&oe=5D86B258)
This was what we did. We walked on the ledge of the river banks alongside the Pelagus. ..and some had to pull the boat when the water was low.
![Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor and nature](https://scontent.fkul16-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/38061938_2059042440775622_5034358921167372288_o.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_eui2=AeFpqnsElPkT-2Pky0M8Iw8yLFntGLo0oq2Po8y8FexSInMrxaH3F-xcBK2NzEvkx6L7_3C1AyAjOHEiNLZpnRlC6hHbkTtM6ijuPyvVAj4FIg&_nc_oc=AQm2gMAnXd2QimTp-VsDIz2--wZeMIjN-vRwbu5RW2IQo4K3sbupiOhwhl-cT7DxVu0&_nc_ht=scontent.fkul16-1.fna&oh=5207d5f47c5f688bbd1aded3febce010&oe=5D835BBE)
That's me in 1968. Sitting on a rock watching the Pelagus.
![Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor](https://scontent.fkul16-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/38085961_2059042477442285_178025282022670336_o.jpg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_eui2=AeHP2kPp838mJov_5h0qwfPC7Z1WAgGFfjWV23iuzhn5fSAxukzBFDKGAaFry_Zm1dx5zbgjKPJEHrht8k-CMTZa82FTQIgWmUnB6KEtBwMYUg&_nc_oc=AQnmCSUz66f2_re60D4cpKd1RBeYsZ5fj_tYO76RDeqcjYgK6llnxVggoXTGkr4KASE&_nc_ht=scontent.fkul16-1.fna&oh=7ee0d27564ab33fbe2271eeb4a258fa8&oe=5D960C89)
My dear cousin, Lau Kung Ing who passed away a few years ago. We did meet up after he retired. We went to this work camp together. In 1990's I taught his wonderful daughter, Yvonne, English at Maktab Perguruan Sarawak, Miri.
![Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting and outdoor](https://scontent.fkul16-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/38071757_2059042524108947_5646797618076975104_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_eui2=AeFnoctcH9zdu68iI6oIBROD75LWUS_X0rQohRYqclWqlGcSA4KwliuF6aGnVlMDppYr27pknieWPs5PkQ-Rlf52ThRpqwJ2fclr4FXygeJ1PA&_nc_oc=AQmZ_MI6WuTs4Q86XBputSDhbCE_g6orcjoDDhHzbVvCokSMBbox8_LCkvAG_yuJUh0&_nc_ht=scontent.fkul16-1.fna&oh=e3a13cc8c164b583d57c61e5de7d7e81&oe=5D9DCB17)
Part of our Toilet Building Team
![Image may contain: outdoor, water and text](https://scontent.fkul16-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/16804086_1488491671164038_547762499202748300_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_eui2=AeFXOi1oPa9hTvDaWuAJ0XcRNVjh43FWWQUqnO2sZtR189My7-pyhR3CFeDGIo4m_5wdtO9uIEsHCsXbBuNG7ROycpfaOQw_bXrVq5kIjaA7TQ&_nc_oc=AQmFqA0YWonpqOfxOK1uIza2dELdGp9uUoG4FPFCehiysA5544Hp_Bgw8IecP-b5Lhs&_nc_ht=scontent.fkul16-1.fna&oh=fad84ced9e3076d5b675ee4da518fd74&oe=5D55535A)
Memorable photo by Philip Hii.
![Image may contain: cloud, sky, outdoor and nature](https://scontent.fkul16-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/13497769_10206924985786972_2540204343263322882_o.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_eui2=AeGrskwa5ajmjteCg8aO1kdEttRITL8vjUDDYbhBDSkpo4PIrYr6lW1O7xrd2z4HeeJZRLkuCQTI9GEa7oay7SkuFII4gMD5K90kyyW6VfOXiw&_nc_oc=AQmNPxKyTVGGMWsS-7GSK6KVH-MDbWelW-PYeaGSO35PPuPd8nmPCo7Hw1gj8WM14D8&_nc_ht=scontent.fkul16-1.fna&oh=2e40b57abfce60fd162e9b8b8261379b&oe=5D926F84)
A photo of the Pelagus today.
So much history and so many stories have gone "under" now.
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