There are many varieties of the same species in the SArawak jungles. Most of the fruits are are sour.
I was told that rukam is another similar fruit and is eaten with salt. It is a bit like longan.
Most fruits of the rattan family have no regular season. So foragers in the ulu will be able to pick up some as and when they like, or when they stumble on them. Usually the hardworking foragers can pick up quite a bit of fruits when they are determined to make a few extra ringgit in the weekends.
But on the other hand, many Ibans just igrnore them because they know how it is important for the fruits to ripe and then dispersed.... ...for regeneration of more rattan.
All types of rattans in Sarawak are facing
The stems of the ridan palm leaves are very useful. They can be made into fish traps (bubu) and fishing rods too.
(The photo of the ridan fruit is taken from an article I wrote for Sundaypost, Jan 13, 2019)
Other photos are from Google.

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