December 24, 2019


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My children and I had lots of fun travelling along the roads of Sarawak. And quite often we would be trailing behind a truck with a huge meranti long and some other smaller logs. It is easy to identify a meranti log because it has a hole in the centre.

My children would say, "Look that's God's pencil in the front." They would imagine God placing some lead in the meranti log and start writing using his meranti pencil. What imagination!!

the cause of this hollow in the centre? "But large sized logs of dark red meranti (both seraya and nemesu) tend to rot away at the centre leaving a hollow core with active termite attack on the fringes." (Mohd. Alwy, 1961)

there are actually many different species of meranti in Sarawak. Hopefully our forests will regenerate in the years to come.

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