January 17, 2020

Hus Hong Ice Factory : 11th Daughter

My aunt Carrie used to tell people with a big chuckle that she was born in Ice Factory, the fact being written into her birth certification (subject of the Kingdom of Sarawak). That made a lot of people look at her in a strange way. Is there such a place as Ice Factory?

Carrie, my 11th Aunt completed her life's journey at 11.35 p.m. on Thursday 14th Nov 2019 in Hong Kong. She was dear to my siblings and I because she was like the eldest child of the family, coming to stay with us for five years when she started Form One and completed Form Five at St. Elizabeth's Convent School. She was my father's 11th sister.

She was really beautiful, with big eyes and a great complexion. She was tall, athletic and  looked lovely in the red skirt and brown blouse uniform. Because she had to cycle to and from school in the hot sun she seldom wore her school necktie.Image may contain: Wendy Tiong, smiling, dog and indoor

When she was not even able to walk properly and before she was even two, my Grandmother Wong died from miscarriage, so Aunt Carrie probably never felt the warmth mother's love.  She was cared for by her grandmother, our great grandmother until she was old enough to go to boarding school.

What she lost, though irreplaceable, she was compensated by all those relatives around her. She was loved by her older sisters who took good care of her especially when she started boarding school life at Yuk Ing Girls' School in Sibu. Mrs. Hoover was the ever loving Mission mother and Principal. She was the cutest little girl at the school. 7th Aunt, Aunty Chiew, was like a young mother to her all throughout her life.

Although it was quite a struggle for her during her childhood, she managed to do well in primary school and secondary school. She joined BOAC after she passed her Senior Cambridge Examination , joined her older sister, Aunt Hong, in Hong Kong. Aunt Hong was then a lecturer in a Hong Kong college and married to a Hong Kong man.

She was talented and artistic especially in beading. she must have made thousands of necklaces using semi precious stones she bought during her travels. She was a smart business woman, with good friends who helped promote her necklaces and bracelets. Even Harrods of London sold her choice items. She was a very savvy business woman.

 Being a very generous person, she gave many of her uniquely designed necklaces as gifts to her nieces, cousins and friends.

finally she chose to come back to Sarawak and settled down in Kuching, with her sisters and sisters in law near her. She enjoyed all the native food, crafts and flowers of Kuching. Her time spent was very fulfilling and she had quality time with Uncle Ian who also loves Kuching.

She was a beloved aunt who spent time to love others and to communicate well.

Mum said life is always full of union, reunion, separation, reconnection. Each parting only makes coming back together sweeter. she got along very well with my mother, her eldest sister in law. My mother loved her like a daughter and would always save the best food for her. whenever she came home from Hong Kong, they would dine in a good restaurant together. We always looked forward to welcome her.

She has left us to go to a better place where there is no more pain. till we meet again. God speed.

Her death has left a big vacuum in our lives but we will miss her especially during Chinese New Year and holidays.

One of her joys in life was coming home for the holidays when she could see her loved ones. She was loved as much as she loved others.

She is survived by her husband, Uncle Ian and a son, Brian and two grand children.

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