He could not breathe when a white police officer used his knee to hold his neck down. He died even before reaching the hospital.
The footage of the incident became viral and people of all colours took to the streets in spite of the corono pandemic. Such was the anger resulting from massive racism in the world.
In 2018 I had a chance to meet up with a cousin whom I had not met for years. We had grown up together, although he was much young. He had brought up a family of three boys and two girls. And made millions with the help of his father, my mother's favourite brother.
As he was going to retire and found a son who could take over his business, he decided to runa farm on a piece of land he acquired many years ago. He wanted to have a diversified farm of domestic animals, goats and even deer. He had a contract with the government to supply piglets to farmers, which could be his so called bread and butter.
I was most impressed by his heard of goats and even more by the clean sheds he built for the animals. They were washed at least twice a day and the animals had their own housekeepers who kept their homes clean. He told me that the floors of these goat sheds were clean enough for humans to sleep.
That was how he treated his animals, very humanly.

As I rememered his farm and his farm animals, my mind exploded. Have we even treated our fellowmen the way he treats his special animals. Then I also remember his favourite, black faced goat which I photographed a lot. She was such a beauty that day.
I posted this photo on my facebook to get responses from my friends.
I asked on fb, "Would you love me if I have a black face and white body?"
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