藿香薊.Family: Asteraceae

This is a common weed found in Miri. According to most herbalists, it is an anti inflammatory, anti bacvterial , antifungal and styptic.
On Sundays in the market you can find an old man (Miri) selling his dried herbs and weeds. He would advise you to boil the dried leaves to help you release the pains of kidney stones.
However, most people recognise that boling the leaves as a tea to treat sore throat.
Boil the roots as an infusion for reducing high temperature.
In Suriname, the leaves are also boiled and the tea will relief body itches.
Ageratum conyzoides is used medicinally in China to treat a variety of conditions, including common colds, headaches, boils, eczema, bleeding wounds, and burns.
中文名(Chinese Name):藿香蓟
学名(Scientific Name):Ageratum conyzoides L.
英文名(English Common Name): tropical whiteweed
别名(Chinese Common Name):胜红蓟
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