October 10, 2022

Food : Braised Pork Leg


My maternal grandmother  loved to eat pork leg, braised ones especially. Sometimes my mother would boil the pork leg as a soup with dried cuttlefish. Or sometimes sge wiykd oyt sine herbs ibto the soup . Pak Ting or Chowi dah would be just the right flavours for the pork leg.

Grandma would visit most weekends. So before my grandmother arrived, my mother would walk to the market to buy one or two pork leg, to cook slowly for perhaps three hours over a small charcoal fire.

This was her way of showing her fiulial piety sometimes she would have two or three pigs legs in the freee before my grandmother arrived.

when we saw the pork leg, we werevery happy, knowing, one Grandma would be visitng and secondly, we would have good foor for a few days.

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