May 27, 2022

Miri : Story of Geese

 It is always a joy to have some chickens and geese in the backyard.

but living in an urban area, we have to abide by the urban council rules and regulations.

Once in a while we try to rear a few animals. Over the years, the most expensive but the cutest ones we rear are the geese.

They make a lot of noise but they are a comfort to our lives.

We know a geese farmer who raised lots of geese from his first batch of 4. Today after many generations of geese his farm has almost a hundred at any one time. And he is selling one pair at RM 350 from 2022 onwards. His price goes up at all times.

When I first came to Miri, it was 20 ringgit per bird.

Geese are actually very affectionate birds and when you have a pairm they stay close to each other at all times.

We rear geese to keep away snakes actually. But it does not really work.

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