So when the 2010 reunion in the UK was mooted to be held in Cornwal and presided by Rev Tomlinson Judy thought that it would be a good idea if one or two of their former students and congregation would go all the way to England to convey our gratitude for moulding and shaping us!! I also made up my mind to be there - and make it a dream trip.
Thus she liaised with Janet Tomlinson and we were then all set to go and also give some of them a good Sarawak surprise.
Rev and Mrs. Chris Tomlinson. He founded the lst Boys Brigade Company of Sibu.

Our pastors and teachers would also make tea (put the kettle on) for their wives and ask politely who much sugar and/or milk they would like to have. Rev. Tomlinson has since the start of their marriage bring a cup of tea or a glass of juice for Janet as soon as she opens her eyes in the morning!! These are the little touches that we learn and keep in our hearts. And perhaps it is these which keep their marriages so strong and alive!! And Rev. MacDonald is always so courteous to his wife in his gentle manner!

Rev and Mrs. Dennis Capes who also served in Miri and later Kuching.

Rev and Mrs. Philip Williams. Rev. Williams is a real Cornish gentleman who is very learned and good to converse with. The farewell photo taken in front of the Sibu Wesley Chapel is the photo that we all remember extremely well.
A feast based on Sibu style was planned by Mrs. Tomlinson. Since the Sibu days most of the missionaries love Chinese food. Hence the welcome lunch was a fantastic Chinese banquet prepared by Mrs. Tomlinson who had planned months ahead for her exquisite menu. She is one of the most organised women I have ever known.
You can see the dishes she prepared. How we enjoyed the food. It was like a good harvest celebration.
Roasted ChickenMa Po Tou Foo
Meat Balls
Sauteed Prawns and broccoli
Three fresh vegetables platter - prepared by Guest Chef Judy .
Brinjal and Mushrooms
Lychee as desserts - reminiscent of Sibu days. (We told her that as children all of us expected to be equal number of lycees and our elders would make sure that none would be "stolen" from our bowls. It was fun counting the number of lycees we got.) We were really tickled pink when we started to chat about old days and shared jokes about Sarawak.
What a wonderful feast - both spiritually and physically. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. May God bless them all.
meatballs i want!!!! roasted chicken i want!!!! oh...i want the food now :)
Hi you know somewhere in a small place called St. Dominick (Saltash) there is a lady who can cook really good Chinese food!!
Here are some e-meat balls for you....Foochow meat balls on the other hand have a different texture and taste with Chinese mushrooms etc.....
How are you? Still in Brazil?
I love reunion. What a wonderful time you have had in UK. Any stories about London?
Yes! Reunions are meant for people who would want to show their appreciation for friendship and memories...I think many people are worried about success and failures. It should not be the case. At the end of the day most of us are humans who want to love and care for each other. We treasure our childhood and youth...and especially shared experiences. All these are good for our health and souls....In Singapore Reminiscence Therapy is popular.
Yes ..putting London stories on hold....thanks for visiting.
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