We will miss the duo's celebrated acts and all the laughter the two can think of to make us happy...in the Malaysian way...And not only those of us who know what Baba and Nyonya Culture means...
we will miss their singing too..
we will miss the white singlet and the sarong....
and the love shared by the two on screen...
This morning most of us were informed about the death of one of our most famous Chinese/Baba actors of Malaysia - Uncle Chee Hood Siong (Baba)'s untimely passing last night. His most hilarious role was his wonderful contribution to the film 'Nasi Lemak 2.0' along with Kenny (Nyonya)
Yes...echoing Namewee...."He will never be forgotten... Uncle Chee, may you rest in peace ..."
yes,i remembered Ah chim...,even my mum loves to watch their action.very and truly talented fellow Malaysian.
- Ah Ngao
Hi Ah Ngao...I hope we Malaysians will treasure his work..and remember him by watching more of his DVDs and shows which might be re-screened again and again...
watch some of this in Singapore, I left Sarawak before we had TV. Ever wonder what we did when we were growing up with no TV?
Ann...he was really a great entertainer...crossing borders of race and even religion through his special sense of humour. I think I learned more Malay from him than any body else!
No TV - books!! Dad and all of us read everything we could lay our hands on....
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