This is a Sibu Foochow style obituary placed in Sin Chiew Jit Poh in Miri. The son and daughter in law "announced" the passing of their mother/mother in law Madam Wong Siong Huong.

In the orbituary it is mentioned her husband's Foochow ancestors, from Lau Kah Jui (Ah Nang Chong) and Lau Kah Tii (Ensurai), came from 4Du, village of Chieng San Yong. Minqing, Fujian, China. The small river, Mui flows in front of the Lau Kah Tii Memorial Building in Chien San Yong.
Mui River is a beautiful river in Minqing.
All the immediate descendants are named in the column. And a small announcement about the Post Funeral Lunch (thank you lunch) is made : Friday, 12 noon, at Jing Xi Lou in Sibu.
Cousin Wong Siong Huong was born in Engkilo , near Sibu.
She was 82 years old (The Foochows would add one extra year to her real age of 79) In Foochow this reckoning of age is called "jing" or to add on.
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