December 29, 2017

Sibu Tales : Steamed Savoury Layered Rice Cake

Growing up in Sibu gave me a lot of opportunities to see and observe my elders who lived in the shop houses and the riverine villages. Each of my older relatives were experts in their own fields and they were all hard working and humble folks. The younger generation of relatives who are highly educated leave home and go overseas as expected.

My older aunts were traditional folks. Some were even China-born. So I had many opportunities to eat different kinds of food.

As a result I have great love for traditional snacks like mi turn kui.

It is sad that sometimes you come across younger people who would even laugh at the old fashioned kuih. I personally believe that we must document traditional kuih for posterity.

There are not many people who can make Mi Turn Kui or steamed savoury layered rice cake. One of my aunts in Miri was particularly good at making it but she passed away not long ago. May God bless her soul.

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