March 13, 2019

Pearls under the Leaves

In a frantic search for a cure, a former student of mine resorted to boiling handfuls of Pearls under the leaves for her mother who was ill with a liver condition. Her mother had been in and out of the hospital and she could not get well. In fact she became weaker .

An old lady had given them some Pearls under the Leaves for a trial and she advised the boiling of the leaves and in take of three drinks a day for a week. That was a simple drink and indeed it helped her.
Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor and nature
(This photo is from my own garden)

My student's mother got better after a month. Today the mother is taking care of her diet of low salt, little meat and lots of vegetables diet . In fact she is on her way to recovery.

 The whole plant is used to treat liver disease and hepatitis B. It also helps to treat jaundice. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to relieve thirst, bronchitis, leprosy, anemia, urinary gland disease, anuria and asthma.

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