May 11, 2019


Image may contain: food

Abalone is a festive food which most Foochow families would have only once a year. In Sibu, tinned abalone is used.

In the past when the economy was good, esepcially during the Timber Boom ERA, most banquets would serve abalone (as a cold dish) or in the soup.

Most companies would have annual banquets to which families of the staff would be invited. Huge conglomerates would even have 150 tables for invited guests, families of staff and friends. In those days, huge banquets were held in the Hall of the Catholic High School Basketball Court and the Civic Centre.

Whenever Foochows attend such dinners they would look forward to having special food like abalones, sharks fins, and other delicacies. And the employees would show their generosity. No holds barred.

The down side of such banquets would often bring a smile to many.  The long winded official speeches would destroy some of the mood of the invitees who would just leave and have their kampua outside and call it a day. Others would sit through the night. Again, some dishes might not even reach the tables because the waiters and waitresses make mistakes.

So it is always good to have eye contact with the waiter in charge of your table and point out to him what dish has not arrived.

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