In the evenings when the tide was low, we would sit on the wooden platform leading to the floating pontoon and enjoy the evening breezes and watch the sun setting. When the tide was low, we could not fish so instead, to amuse ourselves, we would use rubber bands to hit mud skippers.
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In those long ago days mudskippers seemed to be bigger than this. And we were quite sharp in shooting.
In our childhood days, my friends and I used to patrol along the Btg Rejang riverbank in front of Sarikei, each armed with a 'lastic' or a hand-made wooden catapult. Any mudskipper or jepun karmat that dared to venture out of its burrow would become a target of our shooting practice!
Those were the days when life was carefree and happiness was when you shot a mudskipper!
Yes indeed, Ikan Sembilang. those were great days. I miss sitting on the wooden platform, with legs dangling in the air at low tide, and with legs dipping into the water at high tide...I missed the days looking for snails or terkuyong....Today, we dare not eat the snails from the pollluted river banks.
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